
Hand Recognition and Replication RobotThis machine is a robotic arm consisting of 5 degree of freedom namely base rotation, elbow, wrist movement, Wrist turn and for gripping. It is made up of aluminum parts, links with digital DC servomotor as actuator. The base is made from mild steel to give weight and stability to the whole body. The movement of all servomotor are controlled from a central unit called controller that consists of microcontroller board, Power Supply, Display and power distribution board. The main function of this unit is to accept commands from computer and transfer them to robotics arm is a suitable signal format. The third part of the system is a software that reside on pc. It generates signals to controller depending upon input given by user/ programmer of machine.

Wireless Fire Fighting RobotFirefighting is an important but dangerous occupation. A firefighter must be able to get to a fire quickly and safely extinguish the fire, preventing further damage and reduce fatalities. Technology has finally bridged the gap between firefighting and machines allowing for a more efficient and effective method of firefighting. Robots designed to find a fire, before it rages out of control, could one day work with firefighters greatly reducing the risk of injury to victims. The robotic vehicle is loaded with water tanker and a pump which is controlled by controller. Here we are using AT89S52 microcontroller. The LDR module used here to detect the fire. As the LDR gives data the controller give instruction to stop the robot and spray the water through nozzle from water tank.

Agriculture BotAn agricultural robot or agribot is a robot deployed for agricultural purposes. The main area of application of robots in agriculture is at the harvesting stage. Fruit picking robots and sheep shearing robots are designed to replace human labor. The agricultural industry is behind other complementary industries in using robots because the sort of jobs involved in agriculture are not straightforward, and many repetitive tasks are not exactly the same every time. In most cases, a lot of factors have to be considered (e.g., the size and color of the fruit to be picked) before the commencement of a task. Robots can be used for other horticultural tasks such as pruning, weeding, spraying and monitoring.

Edge Avoiding BotAn Edge Avoiding Robot is a simple machine which when left on a table should not fall off it. The basic principle is to detect edges of table or any surface and avoid edges by changing the direction of motion. An edge avoiding robot is generally equipped with a IR sensors that senses the presence of surface beneath the robot, a microcontroller that controls the locomotion of machine based on input received from IR sensor and a motor driver that drives motors based on input received from microcontroller. Initially the machine is made to move forward with continuous inputs from IR sensor mounted in front of machine facing downloads towards the surface of motion. If the surface is present then the output of IR sensor will be true and machine will continue to move forward but in case the output of IR sensor becomes false it will give a signal to microcontroller to change the direction of motion to backward and then left or right based on the coding done by user.

Obstacle AvoidanceAn Obstacle Avoiding Robot is a simple machine which when left on a table should not fall off it. The basic principle is to detect Obstacle of table and avoid obstacle by changing the direction of motion. An Obstacle avoiding robot is generally equipped with a IR sensors that senses the object in front of robot, a microcontroller that controls the locomotion of machine based on input received from IR sensor and a motor driver that drives motors based on input received from microcontroller. Initially the machine is made to move forward with continuous inputs from IR sensor mounted in front of machine facing downloads towards the surface of motion. If the Object is present then the output of IR sensor will be true and machine will continue to move forward but incase the output of IR sensor becomes false it will give a signal to microcontroller to change the direction of motion to backward and then left or right based on the coding done by user. An ideal Robot should be capable of taking various degrees of turns and must be insensitive to environmental factors such as lighting and noise.